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- «c2»«ac»KINDERGARDEN 2017-16
- «»
- «c1»«ac»By Dran/Contraz^Gods«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»On request from «c6»Zerox/Gods «c7»I've written this article about the «c6»Kindergarden 2017-16 party «c7»which took
- place right outside Oslo in November 2001. Others have probably written reviews about KG already but
- not seen from the eyes of the «c6»organizers and crew. «c7»This is my first article for a diskmag ever so bear
- with me as I don't know much about the art of articlewriting :-) Also note that I might remember some
- things wrong since I sometimes was really tired during KG :-)«»
- «»
- «c6»«al»First, the crewlist:«»
- «»
- Pinocchio/Contraz - Organizer«»
- Storeulv/Contraz - Organizer«»
- «»
- BinaryF/Contraz - Compocrew«»
- Chauple/Contraz - Compocrew«»
- Concrete/Contraz - Compocrew«»
- Dran/Contraz^Gods - Compo and web/networkcrew«»
- «»
- Baffle/Delirium^Royal - Web/networkcrew«»
- Brekke/Contraz - Web/networkcrew«»
- Enex/Contraz - Web/networkcrew«»
- «»
- Arcane/Haujobb - Other crew«»
- Phlaton/Contraz - Other crew«»
- «»
- «c2»«ac»Preparing«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Already in August we started to plan another KG. Back then, the plan was to arrange KG in October at
- «c6»Hellerud «c7»(in Oslo) as in 2000 but we had a problem. The rent was raised dramaticly (from about 4000
- -> 10000 NOK) so we just couldn't afford it. We had to find another location. Some of the first KG parties
- were held at a place called «c6»Haga, «c7»just outside Oslo. We thought that going «c6»"back to the roots" «c7»would
- be kind of cool, the rent was cheap and there would be no janitor or police showing up to check for
- smoking or drinking people. In Norway, smoking (normal cigarettes in addtion to weed :-)) and drinking is not
- allowed at school areas even in nighttime when no pupils and teachers are there. A problem with the
- locations at Haga was that it wasn't free for hire before 9th of November so KG had to be postponed.
- But it didn't really matter too much. At least we got more time to plan and prepare the party. But this extra
- time was unfortunatly wasted since we all have "normal" lives in addition to the scene and we were a bit lazy.
- Actually none of us went to check out the locations until the last week before KG, and we discovered some bad
- things. The hall was not as good as we remembered. There was no kitchen, no place for sleeping, no showers
- and no room to show movies in.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»The day before KG«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»We already had experienced some let downs but more was yet to come. The night before KG we still lacked
- money for rent, projector, and cars for transporting our gear. Thanks to some helpful friends we
- managed to get hold of all the things we needed. But we lacked another thing: «c6»a registration and voting
- system. «c7»Our plan was to use ZEPO which is used by several known parties like TP and TG. But ZEPO is
- a complex system and the machine we tried to install it on just would not cooperate so we had to ditch
- the plan and do the same as the year before. Make our own system. Unfortunately we did not have the
- system from last year since the harddrive it was located on had crashed and the files could not be recovered.
- So «c6»Enex/Contraz «c7»spent lots of time coding a new one the night before KG. This was only the registration
- part. The voting part was made during the party. More about that later.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»The first night«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Concrete, Chauple and myself arrived at the partyplace around 19:00. Pinocchio, Enex, BinaryF and
- Storeulv had arrived earlier in the day. There were also some visitors present. Among them, people from
- «c6»Razor 1911, Loonies, Depth and Squirrelz «c7»(if I remember correct). We just tried to rig up our equipment
- as fast as possible and then started to feel the partymood coming on. Later more and more people showed
- up. Now you might wonder what we did about the lack of kitchen, sleepingplaces and showers.... well
- there was a small room which we used as a kitchen. We got hold of a microwave owen and it was just big
- enough to fry pizzas in (and with good results. No wet n sloppy pizzas). Sleeping was mostly done
- downstairs (the downstairs floor is actually a kindergarden :-) ) even though it wasn't allowed
- according to the rent contract. The only things we couldn't get was a movieroom and showers. But it
- seemed people survived anyway and we didn't really notice any stench during the party :-) There
- wasn't any special events the first night. Only the scenequiz and a demoshow. At about 05:00 «c6»Enex, Chauple,
- Mermaid/Scoopex^Creators and myself «c7»was really tired and we found no place to sleep so we took the
- chance and drove home in my car, in the middle of the night (or should I say morning?). It was a really
- insane thing to do as I was soooo tired. But I didn't fall asleep so we survived :-) When we were back in Oslo
- we all went to our homes to sleep.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»The second day:«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Oh boy, did I sleep! When I woke up it was 15:00 in the day and I felt real bad. After a shower and eating
- some good food I felt better and called Chauple. After a while I got a phonecall from «c6»Brekke/Contraz.
- «c7»He was wondering where «c6»I, Chauple and Enex «c7»were hiding and he explained that Pinocchio and Storeulv also were
- gone. I felt a bit bad since we had completely forgotten to tell the others we went home to sleep.
- Fortunately Brekke was there and Phlaton had also arrived. Where «c6»Pinocchio and Storeulv «c7»were hiding we never
- really found out, but they showed up later that evening :-) Me and Chauple drove up to the partyplace
- without Mermaid and Enex. Mermaid had gone back to KG by herself and Enex was still sleeping like a rock
- so he didn't answer his phone when we called to tell him we were going back to the partyplace. Anyway he got
- back by own means later. When all of us were gathered again there was time to start with the compowork. That
- turned out to be even more pain than last year. Concrete and myself were responsible for receiving and
- registering the contributions, except that there was no place to register them. We just had to write a textfile.
- But somehow, we managed to leave out some entries and they were never shown. A big sorry to those who got their
- entries forgotten.«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»The compos«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Before starting the compos we let «c6»Duck-hunter/Spaceballs «c7»and his band "Next life" enter the stage and play their
- kickass concert. It wasn't exactly the standard-commercial-pop type of music or any typical type of music we're
- used to in the demoscene. It was fast and real hardcore with electric guitars and stuff, but it kicked ass and
- was well received by the audience. When the concert was finished (some time around midnight if I remember it right)
- we started the compos and the first one was ascii gfx. We were about 2 hours late
- because of various reasons. The ascii compo went ok.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Musical trouble«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Then it was time for «c6»4channel music. «c7»Now the problems started. Suddenly only 2 of the channels could be
- heard. Something was wrong with the amplifier. And we didn't notice it before a while since we sat behind the
- speakers and could not hear much else than bass. Some of the participants got a bit upset so we though it was
- only fair to play the tunes a second time when we had fixed the problem with the amplifier. The next compo was
- high quality music. And even more problems to come. The compomachine was Concrete's A4000 and he had a Repulse
- soundcard installed. Normally it worked fine but now it just wouldn't play any sound. We just had to change back
- to the good old Paula chip. But then we got too low mixingfrequenzy (22khz) and some of the tunes sounded horrible.
- But we could not boost the Khz since Concrete did not have any tools to do it etc... to put a long story short we
- just had to stick to «c6»Paula at 22Khz «c7»though we once again upset the poor musicians. But another thing happened:
- Phlaton was going down from the stage and by accident he tripped on the powercable and pulled it out. Since too
- much equipment was connected to this cable almost all fuses in the hall blew when he put the cable back in. We had
- experienced some powerfailures earlier at KG but this time it was really hard to get the power back. We found a way
- to solve the problem and after a break the compo started again and this time we finished without any more trouble.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Gfx«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»The graphics compoes were maybe the ones that ran smoothest. But we used unacceptable long time to prepare for
- it. We decided to show the «c6»graphics on PC «c7»since the next compo after gfx was the PC 64k compo and to avoid
- even more problems with Concrete's A4000. Transfering the files to PC went ok, but we had to unpack all the archives
- and sort the pictures. This took a while. We started the compo and fortunately no problems occured.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Demos and intros«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»First off was the PC 64K compo but because of too few entries it was «c6»combined «c7»with the PC demo compo. It was
- a total of 4 entries. One of the entries caused some problems since it would not run. We tried several times
- to run it and we even tried with the PC owned by the author of the entry but even
- there it failed so we
- had no other choice than to disqualify it. Next up was the Amiga 4k, 64k and demo compoes. These were also
- combined because of too few entries. The Amiga compo ran without problems.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Wilder and wilder«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»To everybodys surprise the wildcompo was the largest one at KG this year. Normally at KG this compo has been
- dropped or there's been very few entries. The time was now about 4 in the morning and we didn't exactly feel
- like start showing the wildcompo, meaning guaranteed more hardware trouble and other unexpected things...
- There was a total of «c6»12 entries, «c7»and it would have been even more if it wasn't for the fact that we "lost"
- some of the entries. Don't ask us how :-). There was great diversity among the entries. We had everything from the
- usual more or less funny homevideos and animations to demos on C64 and Gameboy Advance and there was even some tunes
- for Nokia cellphones :-). The compo was long and hard for the compocrew. At the end we were totally apathic and
- some of us had already left and went to sleep. So had a majority of the visitors. I think the compos was over
- around 08:00 in the morning. Some of the visitors were then about to leave for home. But, CRISIS! The votesystem
- was not finished yet, even though Enex had worked on it like hell all night and morning. Ever more time passed before
- the few remaining people could vote and not before around 16:00 were we able to present the results and give away
- some prizes.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»The last day«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»One of the less cool things about organizing a party is «c6»cleaning up «c7»after it's all over. Fortunatly there wasn't
- too much to clean up but we were all so tired I'm sure we only worked at a fraction of our normal speed.
- We were ready to leave around 20:00. Now I just had to drive home and then I could surrender myself to the sleep.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Disqualified or requalified?«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Some of you might have noticed that in some resultlists floating around on the internet it says that the 64K intro
- from «c6»PH-ENT «c7»was disqualified since it was released at another party. The comporules at KG forbid rereleasing.
- A few days after KG the compocrew received some tips that this intro was previously released and since PH-ENT
- (or "3 Amigos" as they also called themselves) before was caught cheating at TG 2001, we had no trouble believing
- they had tried again. As the saying goes... «c6»"Once a thief, always a thief". «c7»Just replace the word thief with cheat.
- We disqualified them. But it was real stupid of us not to check that the intros actually were alike. It turned out
- they in fact were different products (though they looked quite similar and almost had identical titles). Of course
- the people in PH-ENT got very upset about us disqualifying them. We decided to say sorry and reenter them in the
- results. Just for the record, they have explained themselves about the fuzz at TG2001 (in Jurassicpack #08) so it
- seems they didn't cheat after all.«»
- «»
- «c6»«ac»Conclusion«»
- «»
- «c7»«as»Even though it was a rather tough weekend we all had «c6»a lot of fun «c7»as organizers and crew. And the response we
- have gotten back has been positive except for a few comments about the compos of course :-)
- We are definitly considering to hold another «c6»KG in 2002. «c7»Hope to see you all there. We'll try to do our best
- to be better prepared and avoid all of the fuckups that happened last year.«»
- «»
- «e»